Museums Around the World

The link above will take you to a list of museums from different countries.

  1. Work in groups in pairs.
  2. Select a museum from an English Speaking Country.
  3. Enter the site, and prepare a short presentation of the museum including the following:
  • Welcome the visitors.
  • Mention the main features of the museum, i.e. What people can see or do, main exhibits, etc.
  • Mention any restrictions during the visit.
  • Talk about other facts regarding the museum. i.e. The building where the museum is located, the history of the museum, etc.
  • Mention other services offered at the Museum. i.e. Giftshops, guided tours, etc.
  • Give information about the museum. i.e. price of tickets, days, hours it is open, and address.
Use Powerpoint, insert images of the museum and its exhibits or anything else that will aid the presentation.
