The way you deal with the complaint will probably determine keeping or losing custumers for the restaurant. In the past it was believed that an unsatisfied guest would recommend not eating at the restaurant to approximately 10 people; in today's on-line social-networks the number is a lot higher.
Look at the image below and see waht people mostly complain about.
Now read the article in THIS LINK and answer the questiosn below:
1. What is the importance of knowing how to listen?
2. What does being defensive mean?
3. What does patronizing and condecending mean?
4. Why shoud we avoid using words like "Honey, or Sweetie" wnhen addressing the custumers? How should they be addressed instead?
5. Why should we repeat the the complaint back to the custumer?
6. Why giving excuses is not the right thing to do?
7. What limits cannot be surpassed?
Think of a time in which you received bad service (in a restaurant, hotel, airline, shop, etc.) Write about the situation and the outcome. Were you satisfied with the solution? Did the personnel act in a professional way? What would you have done?
Minimum 150 words.
Send your answers to my e-mail in a word file . with your name.
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